
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Growing Slipper Orchids - Part 4

Sharing of my experience in growing Slipper Orchids (Paphiopedilum)

first of all, sorry for the late update, was away for almost 2 weeks and had been busy with work. (and am flying off in a short while for biz trip) Here I am, trying to update a bit more about the following:

Pests and diseases
One of the many things that I hated the most when growing slipper orchids - Pests! This is really a pain when seeing red mites and mealy bugs among the plants.

As I am growing most of the my slipper orchids outdoor, this has given plenty of opportunity for the pests to visit. How can I stop them from from coming and what have I been doing in getting rid of them?

Honestly, paphs are less susceptible to pests as the flower do not produce nectar. The common visitors are mites and mealy bugs. And why do these pests visit paphs? very much due to poor ventilation, and poor sanitation.

Always be very careful when using chemical usage, especially many of us are residing in apartment, do be mindful these chemicals may promote harms not just to ourself but also to our neighbours.

Over usage of the chemical may also cripple the flowers and the plants too.

For me, I use Neem oil or White Summer Oil for getting rid of the pests. I would mix approximately 10 drops of the above(either one) with approximately 10 drops of dishwashing liquid in every 1 liter water. Spray onto the plants thoroughly, min at least once every 2 weeks. (however, if the plant is seriously attacked by the pests, you may need to increase the frequency)

Wet condition would promote fungal and rot at the base or crown rot. So, it is encouraged to water the plant in the morning, so that any water that retains in the crown will be able to dry off at the end of the day. 

As many of us are working adults, which is difficult for us to water all our paphs before leaving for work, so, for myself, I water the plants in the evening during the week, and morning over the weekend, I would power up the fan to helping in drying up any excess water that remains in the crown. (so far so good)

Research had shown that cinnamon is a very effective fungicide, again, 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil with 10 drops of dishwashing liquid in every 1 liter of water. Apply this once every 2 weeks, spray thoroughly. (you may need to increase this application during the raining season)

Last but not least: 
1. Do not be afraid of destroying the plant if the plant is seriously infested.
2. prevention is better that cure.

Alright... Am going to fly off soon... do let me know if you wish me to write on other topic... but I can only do that when I am back in 2 weeks time..

Take care, and happy paphing...


  1. Hi ,

    I must say very informative.

    Pls write on other topic too.

    Waiting for your next update.

    Thanks a lot

  2. Thanks for the feedback.. Will do more if I have the time ..

  3. Hi,

    I'd like to ask the usage of Neem oil.

    How to measure 10 drops in terms of ml or teaspoon? Is 10 drops equivalent to 1 teaspoon or 1ml?


  4. hi,

    yup, approximately a teaspoon..



  5. Hi ,

    Where to buy cinnamon essential oil in sg? How much?


  6. Hi Leo, you can purchase the essential oil at most of the aroma therapy shop, I bought them from novena square 2..


